Series 1: Incorporating ESG into Risk Management Theme 1: Measuring Portfolio Alignment to Climate Scenarios and Climate Transition Stress Testing (Day 1) - recording - 13 Jan 2022 Theme 1: Measuring Portfolio Alignment to Climate Scenarios and Climate Transition Stress Testing (Day 2) - recording - 14 Jan 2022 Theme 1: Measuring Portfolio Alignment to Climate Scenarios and Climate Transition Stress Testing – presentation slides 2022 2DII ING JC3_webinar_day1_PACTA JC3_webinar_day2_2DII Theme 2: Implementation and Application of CCPT (Session 1) - recording - 19 Jan 2022 Coming soon Theme 2: Implementation and Application of CCPT (Session 2) - recording : 19 Jan 2022 Coming soon Theme 2: Implementation and Application of CCPT (Session 3) - recording : 20 Jan 2022 Theme 2: Implementation and Application of CCPT - presentation slide KPMG x AIA JC3 Presentation on CCPT Series 2: Governance and Reporting Workshop 1: The Power of ESG Data - recording - 19 May 2022 Workshop 1: The Power of ESG Data - presentation slides JC3 Workshop Importance of Data and Disclosure_v4.0 MSCI ESG Research_JC3_Presentation_May2022 Presentation by SC5_Capacity Building Workshop_19 May 2022s